Are you a non-detail-oriented person trying to do detail-oriented marketing?

My clients are passionate about their work and the change it can bring into the world. They are conscious business builders who are determined to create their business to match the amazing vision they hold for themselves.

Usually, I attract Coaches, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Transformation Professionals, small Wellness Workshop/Retreat providers etc... who are solo service providers in the early stages of business and need to market their own skills and talents.

Typically, these passionate business builders come to me because they don't resonate with traditional, linear, detail-oriented marketing.  They want a new, less overwhelming way to do marketing. 

My favorite clients are looking for a more natural approach that honors their non-traditional ways of doing things.  They also want to create a solid marketing foundation that will set them up for success for the life of their business.

Do some of these statements sound like you?

  • I'm not a detail-oriented person and that's all marketing seems to be...detail, after detail. I can't keep up.
  • I’m tired and drained. Marketing is taking too much of my time and energy.
  • I hate answering the question "What do you do?".  I'd rather have a conversation.
  • I'm supposed to have a marketing plan, I'd like to get that taken care of.
  • I have so many things on my marketing to-do list that I don't have time to get to it all, but I know I need to.  
  • I don't want to do marketing that feels "icky," "used car saleman-ish".  There must be a better way.
  • I hear more experienced coaches talk about having spent thousands of dollars on learning marketing training only to have it sit on a shelf and do nothing for them.  I want to set up a foundation that will prevent me from doing that.
  • It's taken a couple years, but I've finally figured out who I am as a coach. I'm just not sure how to talk about it in an effective way. 

If any of these statements ARE true for you, then I can help!  Click here to find out about my services and where trust-building comes in.


You will get the most out of working with me if you are:

Able to be honest and accept honesty. I expect you to tell me your honest opinion. This gives me great insight into what you want for yourself and your business. In return, I will do the same.

Craving long-term success.  My most successful clients are craving long-term strategies rooted in self-exploration that will bring long-term benefits, not just fly by night solutions.

Willing to commit to the work and the process. The work we do will be most successful if you are willing to explore, try new things, open your mind and look inside yourself for answers. Clients who have committed to doing the homework, show up for calls and trust the process, discover a whole new way of marketing that's easy and happens to get clients.

It's time for you to go on a new marketing adventure where you'll discover your own, unique way of honoring who you are through marketing.  Click here to learn more about the services I offer and how trust-building fits in.

Kristen Beireis
Trust Marketing Expert and President

Coaches' Marketing Source